Love you all! I’ll be resuming orders in the summer!

Your Story. Your Art.

Let's Make YOUR STORY viewable everyday.

Show/Studio news...

The SKI & SNOWBOARD show was a great time! Loved meeting so many of you and sharing my art with you all!

The studio has moved to the Village of Rosseau. if you are thinking of ordering - please go ahead and I will get to them as fast as I can!

Thank you to all my customers for all the lovely emails, thoughtful words, and sweet supportive texts. You guys continue to inspire me and show me that love is everywhere.

xo Kelly

Celebrating You.

Excited about the future?

or remembering the past?

I can help with both so you can celebrate them here in the present!

Celebrations of all kinds bring people together! Family time at the cottage, weddings, anniversaries, birthdays, and many other occasions. Our paintings incorporate the words and images which are special, unique, and meaningful to you.

I'll combine these elements, by hand, building the frames and painting the letters, to complete a keepsake perfect for you or someone you love.

Your memories. Your story. Your Art.