About Me.

Welcome to Muskoka Twig.

Thank you for choosing Muskoka Twig to help you celebrate with a keepsake made just for you or your loved one.

I lovingly hand paint word paintings and family trees, then add frames & hardware; making them ready to hang on your wall!

My Studio has moved to the Village of Rosseau!  

You can find me now in the middle of a big renovation - prepping my new little house for a life with the people I Love and the Art that I can't live without.

While I won't be at the summer markets in my usual fashion.. you can still Contact me if you are looking for something and let's mark those memories of yours!

Phone: 705. 783-6429

Email: kelly@muskokatwig.ca
Twitter: @MuskokaTwig  ( I never do it...)
Instagram: Muskoka Twig
Pinterest: Muskoka Twig.

Website: MuskokaTwig.com/MuskokaTwig.ca


Origin of Muskoka Twig …

Memories can be absolutely everything.  

Appreciating them while they are happening sometimes escapes us... but looking back - which sadly is the only way we can experience it sometimes, can be comforting.

My customers often asked me how I started painting my word paintings.   After I explain it to them, they have told me I should share it - so here goes ...

Muskoka Twig grew from a disagreement…  Truly, I cannot even remember what the fight was about, just that even after we mostly worked it out and my husband was sound asleep (it was after midnight after all), I found that I was still too worked up to sleep..

As a creative person, my outlet has always been drawing, painting or artful somehow. With the adrenaline rushing through my body I knew that I couldn’t stay in bed, and it was too dark to go for a walk, so off to my studio I went.

I had a large board that was not only primed, but already had a background colour painted on it. I was seeking to do something fabulous on it for the last six months or so, but the inspiration just hadn’t struck me. I sat down on my chair and stared at the large table in front of me.

I had a thought, if my sleeping husband is over it, what can I do to be in that state of mind too?

Why do I stay here in this crazy house, with all these beautifully wild children? So, to answer my own questions, I started penciling words on the painted board. Words that meant something to all of us, the important things mostly, places we’ve been, adventures, kid’s first words, songs sung, dates celebrated, and so on. By morning I had a word painting that, even though it wasn’t finished, was infused with my emotions.

It symbolized our life together. Us. I fell even deeper in love.

Friends who saw it wanted their own versions, and it grew, and grew, till I was painting them for others, like you, my customers - instead of just close friends.   I am lucky to say that many have become both.  


In the winter of 2021 - I lost him, my partner, my love to a way too short fight with cancer.  He was my soulmate, my loving husband and the father to my three beautiful children.  

He was the reason my business started and now he and our loving memories are why it will continue.  He loved what I did, how it helped people, and how it celebrated treasured moments.

I had a widow reach out to me and tell me to keep doing what I do, as the memorial piece I did for her late husband many years ago is one of her favourite things.  She said "Keep going - This is important".

This had a real impact me as I realised that my art brings comfort to some when there is none, memory when sometimes there is little and the realisation that someone loves you enough to remember who, or what event in your life is important.

Understanding what is truly important simplifies your life. 

Thank you to you all.

xo Kelly

Together we can remember the love & the memories.