
We Row

Muskoka Twig


Send us a pic of your paddles and we will copy them, both in shape & paint job - to make a painting special to you!  Then we can surround them with teammates names, regattas, and clubs that mean the most to you (or whatever words you would like!!)

Size: 12"x 24"

Words Needed:  40-60 Words 

Background Colour: Antique cream or Cream or Grey

Please email your words, paddle colour and background colour to kelly@muskokatwig.ca  

Regular price $199.11
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Send us a pic of your paddles and we will copy them, both in shape & paint job - to make a painting special to you!  Then we can surround them with teammates names, regattas, and clubs that mean the most to you (or whatever words you would like!!)

Size: 12"x 24"

Words Needed:  40-60 Words 

Background Colour: Antique cream or Cream or Grey

Please email your words, paddle colour and background colour to kelly@muskokatwig.ca