
Mini Ski Family

Muskoka Twig


This ski family works really well with 2, 3 or 4 sets of skis :)

the skis are mostly stained although you can request colours if thats your thing!  the baskets are done in the following: lime, black, red, hot pink, kelly green, purple, lavender, orange, blue, or yellow.

Size: 16"x 24"

Words Needed:  75-90 Words - pls let us know if you want a 'title' or names under/on the skis.

Background Colour: Antique cream (has brown flecks) or Cream  

Please email your words, pole basket colours, snowboard binding colours  and background colour to kelly@muskokatwig.ca  

*if you are looking for an 'extra' like a flag just let me know!

Regular price $243.36
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This ski family works really well with 2, 3 or 4 sets of skis :)

the skis are mostly stained although you can request colours if thats your thing!  the baskets are done in the following: lime, black, red, hot pink, kelly green, purple, lavender, orange, blue, or yellow.

Size: 16"x 24"

Words Needed:  75-90 Words - pls let us know if you want a 'title' or names under/on the skis.

Background Colour: Antique cream (has brown flecks) or Cream  

Please email your words, pole basket colours, snowboard binding colours  and background colour to kelly@muskokatwig.ca  

*if you are looking for an 'extra' like a flag just let me know!