
Sweet Word Canoe

Muskoka Twig


This word canoe with the double twig paddle is perfect for any camper, canoeist or outdoor enthusiast.  Celebrate a birthday, cottage or canoe trip with all the words, in jokes and nicknames that make a trip fun!

Size: 16"x 24"

Words Needed: 40 Words 

Background Colour: Antique cream or Cream  

Please email your words and background colour to kelly@muskokatwig.ca 

Regular price $243.36
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This word canoe with the double twig paddle is perfect for any camper, canoeist or outdoor enthusiast.  Celebrate a birthday, cottage or canoe trip with all the words, in jokes and nicknames that make a trip fun!

Size: 16"x 24"

Words Needed: 40 Words 

Background Colour: Antique cream or Cream  

Please email your words and background colour to kelly@muskokatwig.ca